This Week in the World | 4.1.19

Illustration credit: Peter Naktin
By Hal Conte
Mexican President Andrés López Obrador slammed Spain and the Catholic Church for their role in colonizing the Latin American continent and committing genocide against the indigenous population. He sent letters to the Bourbon king of Spain and Pope Francis urging an apology, which the Spanish government refused. Obrador has sparked controversy while thrilling his supporters in his first 100 days, suggesting the prosecution of the past five “neoliberal leaders” while earning the ire of foreign investors and the country’s third richest man, who told the president that “there’s not a single case of success” of left-wing politics, all while some have pointed out how the president’s rhetoric may not match reality.
European Union
By Hal Conte
Thousands in Germany and other EU member states protested against the imposition of a new copyright law by the European Parliament which critics say would increase censorship by copyright holders and could result in the mass banning of memes. 40,000 people in Munich marched under banners with the words “Save Your Internet!” Proponents of the law say that it will protect European culture from Google and other American multinationals while allowing artists and creators to get paid. Member states will have to decide how they plan to interpret and apply the rule, which may take a couple years to be fully implemented.
By Hal Conte
Israel attacked Gaza with a massive barrage of weapons leaving parts of the landstrip in flames following months of violence at the territory’s fence. The attacks were condemned by Palestinian groups as well as peace coalitions and Jewish left civil rights organizations in the U.S., which raised the issue in protests against the AIPAC conference in Washington, D.C.. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu aims to show toughness ahead of a key election which could see him out of power for the first time in ten years, while the Hamas-led government in Gaza is being criticised for repression by residents of the strip protesting poverty resulting from the economic blockade.
By Alice Hakvaag
Jordan Kinyera, a lawyer from Uganda, recently won back land that his father lost over a land dispute. He was inspired to go into law while watching the trial over his father’s land drag out over twenty years, and while his father is in his eighties and cannot work the land himself anymore, the family is happy to have the land back. Land disputes are incredibly common in Uganda, mainly due to displaced Ugandans coming back to their homelands and finding that someone claimed the land while they were gone. There is a dedicated branch of the high court specifically for these disputes.
By Alice Hakvaag
While attempting to enter Paris’s metro, a transgender woman by the name of Julia was attacked by three men. A protest against Algeria’s president was happening in a nearby square, which the three men were attending. Another protester attempted to help Julia, but the men got physical and the police who came to escourt Julia misgendered her as they led her away. Julia, when talking about her experience on TV and radio, made clear that the “attack had nothing to do with the Algerian community but was carried out by ignorant people.” Paris prosecutors have opened up a case, and Paris’s Mayor Anne Hidalgo has spoken out against the attack.